Dr. Alex Buwalda is a pediatric physical therapist with over 30 years of clinical experience. During the last twenty years, Alex has served the Park Slope and Brooklyn community, applying a highly professional and eclectic approach in which a family’s needs and goals are central. Formally educated in Europe (Belgium) with a combined Master’s degree in physical and occupational therapy, Alex brings to Gowanus Treehouse advanced and evidence-based physical therapy expertise in infants and children. Her goal is to help infants and children attain their gross motor skills and achieve their highest level of independence within their environment. She enjoys working with children of all abilities and needs.
Alex is certified in neuro-developmental-treatment (NDT), and she obtained a physical therapy doctoral degree in 2021. As part of her doctoral thesis, Alex developed a program to prevent plagiocephaly (flat head syndrome) and neck asymmetry in infants 0 to 3 months of age, through parent education (Prevent Plagiocephaly).
Alex uses a parent coaching approach and has completed PhD coursework in infant mental health and human development. She is currently pursuing a PhD degree in pediatric science. Her main research focus is on the early detection of developmental disability in infants. For more information about Alex and her approach, please visit Alex Buwalda PT. When not at the Treehouse, Alex enjoys spending time with family, traveling and exploring different types of cuisine, and dancing.